Q u i c k   C o l o u r   P i c k e r   v 2 . 0 Chapter 4-F

4-F About the Colour List...

Colour List The colour list is an excellent tool. This is where you can store, sort, and arrange the colours you want to keep. As mentioned before in the External Source Tools section you can load saved lists from disk. But of course you have to create and save your lists first.

a) Adding To, or Creating The List.

When you have selected a colour you can add it to your colour list by pressing the large blue arrow icon, located below the list box, that points toward the right. This is the index icon. Clicking on it will send your chosen colour to the list. You will notice that the name of the colour is automatically the hexadecimal value of the colour. Each time you click this icon another colour is sent to the list. Be careful, duplicate colours are allowed. This is for web page designers who would like to name their colours by their web page position, allowing more than one location to be mentioned but contain the same colour.

b) Renaming Colours

You can change the colour's name to something much more readable by clicking it once, and then pressing the icon that looks like two curved arrows surrounding a "T". This is the "Change Title" icon and is located below the "Colour List Box". This will bring up a dialogue box asking for the new colour name. Just type in your user friendly colour name and press OK.

c) $$Adjusting Selected Colours

You can adjust the Hue, Saturation, and Vibrance of selected colours from the "Colour List Box". Multiple colours can be selected using the CTRL or SHIFT keys along with your left mouse button. Select the colours you want to adjust and right click the "Colour List Box". Select "Adjust Selected Colour(s)" from the popup menu. You will be presented with an HSV adjustment control. Please remember that when a colour is at its maximum or minimum Saturation or Vibrance it can not be adjusted higher or lower and will not appear to change. Select "Accept" to accept the changes and make them permanent in your list. Select "Cancel/Close" to close the dialogue without keeping any more changes.

d) Insert Modes

You can change the way that Quick Colour Picker sends colours to the colour list. There are two method selections and two mode options. The methods are Add and Insert. The "Add" adds new colours to the end of the list. The "Insert" inserts colours in relation to the currently selected list colour. The Insert method option also has a sub method. It is indicated by an icon which displays two arrows at 90 degrees to each other. Clicking on this changes the icon's appearance and the insertion function. When the arrow points up all sent colours will be inserted above the currently selected colour. When the arrow points down all sent colours will be inserted below the currently selected colour. The "Auto-Index" mode causes all clicked colours to be sent to the list immediately. The "Inc. Cmpl." mode includes the selected colour's complimentary colours during the indexing process.

e) Moving/Sorting

Colours on the list can be arranged with the mouse just by clicking and dragging the colour to its new position. The list can also be sorted automatically by right clicking on the list and selecting the sort method from the pop-up menu. Note that sorting by Hue, Saturation, or Intensity runs a three pass sort.

f) Deleting/Clearing

Deleting a colour from the colour list can be done simply by left clicking the colour once with the mouse then by clicking the eraser icon below the "Colour List Box". You can also delete a highlighted item by right clicking the "Colour List Box". To clear the entire list, click on the red 'X' icon below the list box. If you have changed your list and haven't saved it Quick Colour Picker will ask you if you would like to save it first. You can also cancel this incase you pressed it by accident. The option to cancel only appears if the list has changed.

g) Saving

To Save your list, so that you can use it later, click the icon that looks like a floppy disk with a red arrow pointing toward it. This is located below the "Colour List box". A save dialogue will appear. Select your directory and filename to save the list. If the list has been altered and the exit or clear icon is clicked you will also be asked to save your colour list. You will not be able to save blank lists.

To export your list to an "HTML" table, an $$"Adobe Photoshop Colour Swatch" file, or an $$"Adobe Photoshop Colour Table file", follow the saving steps above. When the save dialogue appears, change the "Save As Type" to the appropriate file type using the drop down box. The two Adobe file formats are the best way to export your colours to Photoshop. Make sure you save your file using the correct file name extension or you may over write your colour data file.

Note: Quick Colour Picker will not import colour data from HTML tables, or Colour Table files.

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